Friday, March 19, 2010

mix & match

just playing around making some fun necklaces. the chain is made up of random pieces from different chain put together as one, to make a fun eclectic piece.


tomiannie said...

I these. I was actuallyl bummed that my mom bought the one she did for Leanne, because I had my eye on it. Where do you find your beads and such?

Most Adoringly said...

i have another one here for sale with a yellow flower, and i actually got a shipment of some chains yesterday and am waiting for more of the flowers to come(they are on their way), sotheir iwll be more sooon!
the beads and such i just randomly collect, but etsy has some cool ones, sometimes expensive, but you should check it out. just look under their supplies.

Most Adoringly said...
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About Me

I am a hairstylist @ Relik Salon in AF,UT and a student of the arts, photography specifically. I live a simple life which I love, and my favorite hobby is thrifting.